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Executive of the Year Luncheon

April 6th, 2018

Dean's Council attended this annual Eller College event honoring a top executive that has gone above and beyond in their field.


This year, the college honored Founder and Chief Executive Chairman of Intuit, Scott Cook. Scott spoke about his commitment to giving back to education, as well as Intuit's continued push to be different and fill new market spaces.


Career Showcase

February 13th, 2018

In February, Dean's Council co-hosted the Eller Spring Career Showcase with Delta Sigma Pi. This event allows recruiters to seek out future employees for some of the world's top companies.


Council Thanksgiving Dinner

November 19, 2017

For Thanksgiving, our council invited Chinese Student Council to a dinner held at Associate Dean Pam Perry's house. Students played games and activities and sat down for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner catered by Boston Market.


FESO Mixer

November 16, 2017

For our FESO (Federation of Eller Student Organizations) mixer, our council held a dinner at Gentle Bens for all of our FESO Executive Boards. Everyone got to meet each other and talk about their clubs and their roles. Our goal was to connect these students who represent the top leaders in the Eller College of Management.


Eller Legacy Plaza

November 9, 2017

Our council along with the Sports Marketing Association, donated the first pavers in the Eller Legacy Plaza in honor of Christiana Duarte and Bakari Henderson. They're impact inside and outside of Eller will remain in our memories forever.


Council Dinner

September 9, 2017

Our council dinner was our first event of the semester. Members were split into groups and tasked with creating one dish for dinner. All our members got to mingle and get to know each other.  Afterwards, everyone got to sit down together and enjoy the dinner they prepared.

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